There is scientific evidence of the positive effect ofpolyphenols from plant foods on inflammation and oxidative status.
The aim of the present study was to investigate whethertreatment with a high-polyphenolic nutraceutical reduces the plasmaticconcentration of certain oxidative and inflammatory biomarkers in a healthypopulation.
One hundred and eight subjects were selected and stratifiedby sex in the intervention group (n= 53) and the placebo group (n= 55).Ninety-two subjects completed the study after two 16-week treatment periodsseparated by a four-week washout period.
The results revealed statistically significant differencesin subjects treated with the polyphenolic extract compared to the placebo: Adecrease in homocysteine, oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OxLDL), TNF-α,sTNFR1, and C-reactive protein (CRP). The most significant decrease wasobserved for OxLDL (from 78.98 ± 24.48 to 69.52 ± 15.64; p< 0.05) and CRP(from 1.50 ± 0.33 to 1.39 ± 0.37; p< 0.05), both showing significantdifferences compared to the placebo (p< 0.001). Moreover, catecholamines increasedafter the administration of the product under investigation, especially in thecase of dopamine (from 15.43 ± 2.66 to 19.61 ± 5.73; p< 0.05).
Therefore, the consumption of a nutraceutical based on fruitand vegetables with a high polyphenol content seems to improve the parametersrelated to health benefits (oxidative and inflammatory biomarkers), includingremarkable changes in the expression of catecholamines.
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murcia, oxidative stress, inflammation, anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, catecholamines