(Poly)phenolic characterization of three food supplements containing 36 different fruits, vegetables and berries.

Bresciani L, Calani L, Cossu M, Mena P, Sayegh M, Ray S, Del Rio D; Apr. 2015


Consumption of foods high in polyphenols is linked to disease prevention. Plant-based nutraceuticals and food supplements are one way to provide these bioactive compounds to consumers.


The aim of this study was to characterize the (poly)phenolic composition of three varieties of an encapsulated fruit, vegetable and berry juice powder concentrate (FVB).


The composition of an encapsulated fruit, vegetable and berry juice powder concentrate (Juice Plus+® Fruit, Vegetable, and Berry Blends) was analyzed. Four methods of extraction were tested: aqueous, warm-aqueous, methanolic and sonic-bath methanolic extraction, in order to select the most effective one.  


Aqueous extraction at room temperature yielded the highest phenolic content; therefore, this method was chosen for analysis. The Berry Blend had the highest level of phenolic compounds at 176 mg/g, followed by the Fruit Blend at 128 mg/g, and the Vegetable Blend at 50 mg/g. A total of 119 compounds were tentatively identified. The Berry Blend contained the most, with 75 identified compounds belonging to distinct phenolic classes, including ellagitannins, anthocyanins, and proanthocyanins. The Vegetable Blend contained 28 phenolic compounds, including flavones and flavonols. The Fruit Blend contained 25 different types, including flavones and flavanones. The daily consumption of 6 capsules, 2 of each blend, correspond to a daily ingestion of about 600mg of phenolic compounds.  


“The phytochemical analysis of these three plant-based food supplements revealed that their content in (poly)phenolic compounds is substantial. The variety of plant ingredients declared on the label is clearly confirmed by the presence of such a huge amount of different and sometimes very specific phenolic structures”.  

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polyphenols, identification, characterization, parma,