This study sought to determine the effect of a fruit, vegetable and berry juice powder concentrate (FVB) and different exercise intensities on carbonyl proteins and the redox state of human serum albumin (HSA) in trained men after vigorous exercise.
In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 41 non-smoking, trained males, from a special police force, were randomly divided into 4 groups. Half were instructed to exercise at 70% VO2max and the other half at 80% VO2max. Each of these groups was then subdivided into treatment and placebo groups.
The treatment groups took 6 FVB capsules daily (Juice Plus+®). The placebo groups took capsules identical in appearance to FVB. Exercise tests occurred at baseline, 4, 16, and 28 weeks. Blood was taken at these same time intervals, immediately before and after each bout of exercise, as well as 30 minutes and 30 hours afterward, and analyzed for markers of oxidative stress (carbonyl proteins and redox state of HSA).
In the placebo group, exercise at 80% VO2max for 40 minutes increased carbonyl proteins (CP) immediately after exercise and 30 minutes post-exercise, returning to pre-exercise levels by 30 hours. Treatment with FVB diminished this increase in CP at 4,16, and 28 weeks. FVB decreased CP concentrations before exercise and 30 hours following exercise at weeks 16 and 28. The redox state of HSA was influenced by both exercise intensities, although it was significantly more pronounced in the 80% VO2max groups. FVB did not affect the redox state of HSA.
“In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that HSA can act as a redox system in plasma under strenuous conditions. It was affected by exercise in an intensity-dependent manner, but not by exogenous antioxidants. Plasma CP concentration, as indicator of oxidative protein damage, increased significantly at intensities close to LTP2/VT2 (80% VO2max), and this increase was avoided by the JPC [juice powder concentrate] groups”.
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